A Prayer for Marriage

May I love my wife, the woman you entrusted to me to treat respectfully as a “fellow heir of the grace of life.” Enable me to love her as Christ gave Himself for Your Image-Bearers.

May I never view or treat her as my possession who exists to further my agenda and orbit around my cravings.

Father of Glory,

Your Son gave himself for His Bride, the people You fashioned to image You in Your Creation.

May I love the wife you gave me as Christ loved and loves His Bride—the church. May I never view her as mine, as my possession who exists to further my agenda and orbit around my cravings.

May I never see her as a means to my fulfillment and live disappointed or resentful when she is not what I think she should be.

Though you said, “It is not good for a man to be alone,” may I live with her in a gentle and understanding way if she is unable—or even if unwilling to be all I want her to be.

May I not distance myself from her to avoid getting hurt? May I serve and honor her. Grant me the heart to live like a tender and grateful companion.

All these aspirations are futile if I don’t live in You, indwelling Spirit.

And I’m new to living in You.


Lectio Divina


What is Spiritual Formation Like? (2)