A Prayer for Marriage
Father of Glory,
Your Son gave himself for His Bride, the people You fashioned to image You in Your Creation.
May I love the wife you gave me as Christ loved and loves His Bride—the church. May I never view her as mine, as my possession who exists to further my agenda and orbit around my cravings.
May I never see her as a means to my fulfillment and live disappointed or resentful when she is not what I think she should be.
Though you said, “It is not good for a man to be alone,” may I live with her in a gentle and understanding way if she is unable—or even if unwilling to be all I want her to be.
May I not distance myself from her to avoid getting hurt? May I serve and honor her. Grant me the heart to live like a tender and grateful companion.
All these aspirations are futile if I don’t live in You, indwelling Spirit.
And I’m new to living in You.